社工 (SW III) (合約) (編號:CWDEC/112624)
要求 :
職責 :
- 關懷長者,熱誠、主動、富責任感
- 能獨立處事,善與不同人士溝通和合作
- 持認可社會工作副學士 / 高級文憑或以上學歷,註冊社會工作者
- 香港中學會考五科合格,包括︰中文及英文(課程乙)
- 具長者及護老者服務經驗優先考慮
職責 :
- 策劃及推行長者及護老者服務、小組及活動
- 發掘及物色區內有需要長者及其護老者個案之處理、跟進及護老者津貼
- 連繫資源,凝聚區內網絡支援長者及護老者
- 協助中心之日常運作、程序管理等
- 工作地點 : 中西區
有意者請於22/11/2024或之前,函附履歷電郵至[email protected],或郵寄至香港皇后大道中345號上環市政大廈11樓。
Project Manager (SW IIA) (Contract) (Ref.:WCDEC/112524)
Job Duties:
- RSW, Degree in Social work or above
- Good command in Eng & Chin
- Self-motivated, innovative, dynamic, presentable, good in people management & leadership, excellent communication & interpersonal skill with teammates, users and stakeholder
Job Duties:
- Responsible for the JC "Reach to Bridge" Community Elderly Support Project
- Assist the coordination and implementation of STE team in outreaching, support services and programs
- Working in Wanchai, 44 hours per week.
Interested persons please apply with full resume to [email protected] on or before 19/11/2024.
Project Officer (SW III / PO I) (Contract) (Ref.:WCDEC/112424)
Job Duties:
- Associate Degree or Degree holder with HKCEE 5 passes [incl. Eng (syl B), & Chin at grade E or above] or equivalent
- POI only consider to Degree holder with at least 2 yrs relevant exp or Associate Degree with 5 yrs exp
- High flexibility in working hours and patterns
- Good command in Eng & Chin. Good knowledge in computer
- Working exp in elderly service will be highly considered
Job Duties:
- Coordinate outreaching, support services and programs in the JC "Reach to Bridge" Community Elderly Support Project
- Admin support to the project
- Assist the coordination and implementation of STE team
- Working in Wanchai, 44 hours per week.
Interested persons please apply with full resume to [email protected] on or before 19/11/2024.
登記護士 (GOV-EN) (合約 - 兼職) (編號:ESDCC/112224)
要求 :
職責 :
- 註冊護士或登記護士(RN hold against EN)
- 良好的個案護理管理和臨床實踐知識
- 工作成熟獨立、創新、積極
職責 :
- 為日間護理中心的服務使用者提供護理及全人照顧工作
- 為服務使用者進行評估、規劃和執行相關工作
- 需督導及提供護理指導予前線同工
- 工作地點 : 長沙灣
有意者請於13/11/2024或之前,函附履歷電郵至[email protected],或致電 39746770。
家居照顧員 (社區健康工作員) (SJS-HCW) (合約) (編號:WCDEC/112124)
要求 :
職責 :
- 小六畢業,能讀寫中文及操流利廣東話,懂電腦基本操作
- 細心、有禮及富責任感,善於溝通及團隊合作,具兩年任何工作經驗
- 有服務認知障礙症長者經驗者優先考慮
職責 :
- 在長者地區中心協助進行或帶領「智友醫社同行計劃」小組及活動
- 協助照顧認知障礙症長者、場地清潔整理及支援行政工作
- 工作地點 : 灣仔
有意者請於15/11/2024或之前,函附履歷電郵至[email protected],或郵寄至香港灣仔石水渠街85號1樓。
Programme Worker (POII) (YS/MW2)(Contract) (Ref: YSMH/111324)
- Associate Degree / Diploma holder or above
- HKDSE 5 passes incl Eng and Chinese at grade E or above or equivalent
- Good command in Eng and Chinese and basic accounting skills
- Experience in clerical, administrative, or program work is preferred
Job Duties:
- Organize programmes and activities for youth
- Provide administrative support to programme leader for the hub operation and team members as required
- Support accounting operation and handle administrative duties for the project "LevelMind@JC"
- Working Location: Chai Wan
Interested persons please apply with full resume to [email protected] on or before 28/11/2024.
Social Worker II (A) (SW IIA) (Contract-Part-time) (Ref:SWSPPYL/111624)
- Pro-active, strong interest in working with children and family
- Mature, excellent inter-personal skills and networking
- RSW; Degree or above in social work
Job Duties:
- Provide stationing kindergarten social work services
- Services include casework, groups and programs serving the need of students, parents and teachers in kindergartens
- Working Place: Yuen Long District
Interested persons please apply with full resume to [email protected] on or before 22/11/2024.
行政助理 (AA) (合約) (編號:SWP/111824)
- 持文憑或副學士學歷 / 香港中學文憑考試其中五科(包括中、英文)達到第二級或以上或同等學歷及具備兩年或以上文職工作經驗
- 熟悉會計工作、持有LCCI初級或以上程度證書者為佳
- 具備良好中英文書寫及會話能力
- 熟悉中、英文電腦操作及軟件(Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint)
- 請於履歷表注明期望薪金
- 負責文書、會計、電腦支援、回應查詢、管理及點存等行政工作
- 處理有關機構服務調查,製作有關分析及統計報告
- 執行上司指派的其他工作或職務
- 工作地點 : 灣仔
有意者請於11/12/2024或之前,函附履歷電郵至[email protected],或郵寄至香港柴灣利眾街24號東貿廣場15樓C室。
半職言語治療師 (合約-兼職) (編號:UJTSW/111724)
- 持有本地認可言語治療學位
- 到校學前康復服務
- 提供學童評估及跟進服務
- 協助開發電子平台,為學童進行發音準確評估篩查
- 工作地點 : 需於不同地區工作
有意者請於22/11/2024或之前,函附履歷電郵至[email protected]。
有意者請於22/11/2024或之前,函附履歷電郵至[email protected]。
兼職銷售員 (臨時工) (合約) (編號:GLAD/111524)
- 小學或以上程度,必須使用簡單電腦系統 (處理收銀寄賣工作),經驗不拘
- 有同理心、待人熱誠、愛笑有禮、願意學習、認同環保理念/環保穿衣習慣
- 能獨立工作、勤奮具責任、喜愛服務業工作
- 具銷售及顧客服務經驗者優先考慮
- 工作時間:每星期返二天,包括星期六,日及公眾假期(輪休),每天8或8.5小時 (上午11:30分時至下午8時15分時段, 當中有1小時午膳時間),農曆新年期間休息
- 工作地點:荃灣南豐紗廠
- 有薪午膳時間,另設每月滿意獎金,每月二手店購物店津貼,年度美食/旅遊獎勵,及提供其他員工福利及培訓
- 每小時底薪加佣金後時薪可達$55
- 友善共融社企工作環境,適合退而不休新中年/中年斜槓族/有志終生學習樂齡人/喜愛寵物人士 (南豐紗廠是荃灣社區唯一寵物友善的文創空間地標)
- Green Ladies & Green Little 為聖雅各福群會轄下的社會企業,一直致力推動二手時裝重用文化及聘用中年婦女就業
- 誠邀您加入我們的行列:專責二手時裝銷售工作,協助推廣環保的社會目標
- 工作地點 : 荃灣
有意者請於30/11/2024或之前於星期一至五辦公時間內致電 39903176 與鄭小姐聯絡或電郵 (電郵地址: [email protected]), 請註明申請職位及附上履歷表。
一級物理治療師 (GOV-PT I) (合約) (編號:CC3/111424)
要求 :
職責 :
- 持認可物理治療師學位或以上學歷,並持有效執業証書
- 具至少三年物理治療師工作經驗
- 良好溝通技巧、積極並樂於與不同專業人士合作
- 具服務長者經驗者優先
- 跟MPS薪級點並按學歷及服務追認年資,頂薪可達薪級點33A
職責 :
- 負責居家長者及有需要人士提供治療及培訓
- 協助策劃及發展社區服務
- 提供照顧員培訓
- 應徵時,請註明選擇的工作地點:中西區/東區
有意者請於12/11/2024或之前,函附履歷電郵至[email protected],或郵寄至香港灣仔石水渠街85號2樓聖雅各福群會持續照顧(三)。
維修員 (合約) (編號:GERSP/111224)
要求 :
職責 :
- 中三或以上程度,及10年或以上維修保養工作經驗或
- 中六或以上程度,及7年或以上維修保養工作經驗
- 須持有有效A級電工牌照
- 具責任感、成熟、積極主動、能獨立處事,及具有良好溝通能力
- 能讀寫中文及簡單英文
- 懂基本電腦應用及文書處理(MS Office)
- 具維修復康器材經驗可獲優先考慮
職責 :
- 於服務中心或到戶上門,為各式樂齡科技器材進行檢查、保養及維修工作,器材包括但不限於電動護理床、電動輪椅、電動助行器、移位機、手動輪椅、沐浴椅、助行器等
- 帶領、訓練及督導義工維修隊進行保養及維修服務
- 協助制定保養及維修的工作流程,以及使用器材的安全指引
- 定期整理及提交保養維修的紀錄及報告
- 工作地點 : 火炭
- 每週工作時數:44小時
有意者請於28/11/2024或之前,函附履歷電郵至[email protected],或郵寄至新界沙田火炭坳背灣街27-31號協興工業中心14樓C室,或致電38927000。
Project Officer (PO II) (Contract) (Ref.:GIA/111124)
- Degree holder with or equivalent preferably in Social Science, Education, Counselling, Psychology or related discipline
- HKCEE 5 passes (including Eng (Syl B) & Chinese at grade E or above) * or equivalent
- At least 2 years of experience in children and youth services, social innovation, education, or project management
- Ability to coordinate learning and teaching activities independently
- Liaise with business partners, service providers, and schools for project development
- Prepare proposals, reports, and administration support for the project
- Perform ad hoc assignments and handle special projects as assigned by the supervisor
- Working Place: Wan Chai
Interested persons please apply with full resume to [email protected] on or before 15/11/2024。
Social Worker III (SW III) (Contract) (Ref.:CHA/111024)
- RSW, Associate degree/diploma in Social Work or above
- Five passes in HKCEE including English and Chinese or five passes in DSE including English and Chinese at level 3 or above
- At least 2 years experience in social service
- Good command in written English and Chinese, good in proposal writing is the advantage
- To carry out case work, group work
- A good team player and take initiative to cooperate with multi-disciplinary team
- Good communication skills and handle crisis responsibly
- Working Place: Wan Chai
Interested persons please apply with full resume to [email protected] on or before 08/11/2024。
登記護士 (EN) (合約) (編號:RS/110924)
- 持香港認可登記護士證書及有效之執業證書
- 為智障成人及肢體傷殘人士提供護理及照顧工作
- 院舍需輪班,設津貼
- 工作地點 [請註明申請地點及單位] : (院舍服務) 西營盤 – 日間訓練中心暨宿舍、觀塘 - 綜合職業服務中心暨宿舍
有意者請於 13/11/2024或之前,函附履歷電郵至[email protected]或郵寄至灣仔石水渠街85號6樓復康服務中央支援辦公室,請註明申請職位編號、地點及單位。
Social Worker (SW III) (Contract) (Ref.:IMRSP/110824)
Job Duties:
- RSW, Diploma in Social Work or above and
- 2 years working experience in elderly services or related fields is preferable
Job Duties:
- Serve as case workers in handing all the case management support to the carers
- Service matching of substitute carers or volunteers
- Bridging carers or elders to suitable community support services to facilitate aging in place
- Community outreach to identify the carers in need
- Working Place: Wanchai
Interested persons please apply with full resume to [email protected] on or before 09/11/2024.
Administrative Officer (AO I/II) (Contract) (Ref.:ADM/110624)
- Degree holder in any discipline or above with HKDSE 5 passes incl. Chinese, English and Mathematics or equivalent
- Well-organised, self-motivated, detail-minded, committed and be a team player
- A pleasant, proactive and mature character with strong interpersonal and communication skills
- Proficient in Microsoft Office (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc) and Chinese word processing applications
- Good in spoken and written English and Chinese
- Experience working in NGO setting preferable
- Provide administrative support to the senior management office such as preparation of management meetings and guest reception, presentation materials, funding application, service statistics and reports, etc.
- Handle other administrative duties, including organizing filing system, office supplies and ad-hoc tasks and assignments when required.
- Working Place: Wan Chai
Interested persons please apply with full resume to [email protected] on or before 15/11/2024。
廚師 (COOK) (合約) (編號:CBIH/110424)
要求 :
職責 :
- 小六或以上程度學歷
- 具備最少兩年相關工作經驗,具烹調長者膳食經驗優先
- 懂簡單中文書寫、勤力、盡責
- 提供用膳時間津貼
職責 :
- 負責管理廚房事務工作,包括:管理食材及計算食物份量,烹調餸菜及特別餐預備等
- 清潔廚房及餐具、點存食物倉等
- 工作地點:銅鑼灣區
有意者請於07/11/2024或之前,函附履歷電郵至[email protected],或郵寄至香港大坑銅鑼灣道78號第一閣地下聖雅各福群會銅鑼灣綜合家居照顧服務隊,或致電28817844,或傳真28817346。
團隊副經理 (SW IIA) (合約) (編號:ETCMT/110324)
要求 :
職責 :
- 持認可社會工作學士學位或以上學歷、註冊社會工作者
- 具安老服務及督導管理經驗者優先
- 具備良好中英文書寫及會話能力
- 積極主動、執行力強、具拓展及團隊精神
職責 :
- 協助策劃/執行單位之整體行政、財政、人事、服務運作及發展
- 督導社工及前線職員
- 負責為家居體弱長者及家人提供照顧管理服務
- 工作地點:東區
有意者請於07/11/2024或之前,函附履歷電郵至[email protected],或郵寄至香港灣仔石水渠街85號2樓聖雅各福群會持續照顧(三)。
家居照顧員 (HCW) (合約) (編號:CC3/110224)
要求 :
職責 :
- 小六畢業,提供在職培訓
- 具兩年或以上任何工作經驗
- 持起居照顧課程、急救或註冊保健員優先
- 有耐性,熱誠及良好服務態度
- 月薪:$19,180-$22,230(視乎經驗而定),另加用膳時間津貼每月$1,630
職責 :
- 負責提供服務予居家體弱長者及其照顧者,包括:復康運動、護理、認知訓練、個人照顧、送飯、家居清潔及陪診等工作
- 應徵時,請註明選擇的工作地點:中西區/東區
有意者請於07/11/2024或之前,函附履歷電郵至[email protected],或郵寄至香港灣仔石水渠街85號3樓3室聖雅各福群會改善家居及社區照顧服務,或致電28313238,或傳真34279206。
家居照顧員 (HCW) (合約) (編號:CC3/110124)
要求 :
職責 :
- 小六畢業,提供在職培訓
- 具兩年或以上任何工作經驗
- 持起居照顧課程、急救或註冊保健員優先
- 有耐性,熱誠及良好服務態度
- 月薪:$19,180-$22,230(視乎經驗而定),另加用膳時間津貼每月$1,630
職責 :
- 為有需要之服務使用者提供家居照顧服務,如:個人護理、運動、送飯、家居清潔、護送等服務
- 應徵時,請註明選擇的工作地點:灣仔區/中西區/銅鑼灣區
有意者請於07/11/2024或之前,函附履歷電郵至[email protected],或郵寄至香港皇后大道中345號上環市政大廈11樓聖雅各福群會綜合家居照顧服務隊,或致電28051256,或傳真28516557。
團隊主任 (TO) (合約) (編號:CMT/110024)
要求 :
職責 :
- 香港中學文憑考試其中五科(包括中、英文)達到第二級或以上或同等學歷
- 文憑 / 副學士程度或五年長者相關工作經驗
- 熟悉電腦文書處理及相關軟件
- 能獨立處事、成熟、富責任感及有良好溝通能力
職責 :
- 負責安排前線員工的工作,包括:編更、服務質素監察及員工督導等
- 支援一般行政及文書工作
- 工作地點:灣仔區
有意者請於07/11/2024或之前,函附履歷電郵至[email protected],或郵寄至香港灣仔石水渠街85號3樓3室聖雅各福群會灣仔改善家居及社區照顧服務。
行政助理 (AA) (合約) (編號:ETCMT/109924)
要求 :
職責 :
- 持文憑或副學士學歷 / 香港中學文憑考試其中五科(包括中、英文)達到第二級或以上或同等學歷及具備兩年或以上文職工作經驗
- 熟悉會計工作、持有LCCI初級或以上程度證書者為佳
- 具備良好中英文書寫及會話能力
- 熟悉中、英文電腦操作及軟件(Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint)
職責 :
- 負責會計、出納、文件處理、訂購文儀及接聽電話查詢
- 應用電腦系統處理個案資料及月結
- 處理及記錄各項統計及行政事務
- 工作地點:東區
有意者請於07/11/2024或之前,函附履歷電郵至[email protected],或郵寄至香港北角英皇道373號上潤中心11樓D室聖雅各福群會東區改善家居及社區照顧服務。
Project Officer (Contract) (Ref: YSMH/109224)
- RSW, Degree in Social Work or above
- HKDSE 5 subjects level 2/above(incl. Chi. and Eng.) or equivalent
- Relevant experience in youth, mental health, or related fields is preferred
- Basic knowledge of counseling approaches
- Proficient in both English and Chinese
Job Duties:
- Provide counseling, group sessions, and programs tailored for youth
- Share experiences and effective work models with stakeholders
- Collaborate with various professionals to establish and strengthen community networks
- Monitor and achieve service outputs and outcomes to meet organizational goals
- Working Location: Chai Wan
Interested persons please apply with full resume to [email protected] on or before 20/11/2024.
社區共融幹事 (RWIII) (合約) (編號:FAMJT/109324)
- 香港中學文憑試5科2級或以上,包括中、英,或具同等學歷
- 負責計劃及推行活動及小組,協助中心運作
- 有家長、特殊學習需要(SEN)、復康服務工作經驗,及有急救牌優先
- 工作地點 : 天水圍
有意者請於04/11/2024或之前,函附履歷電郵至[email protected],或郵寄至天水圍天恒邨停車場大樓B翼5樓(家庭喜聚)。
行政助理 (SJS – AA) (合約) (編號:FAMJS/108924)
- 文憑或以上
- 香港中學會考五科合格,包括中、英文(乙)或等同
- 熟悉中英文輸入法及電腦操作(包括Word 、Excel)
- 具有最少兩年文職工作經驗優先
- 有責任感、性格積極主動、獨立及善於溝通
- 負責中心日常運作(包括接待、接聽電話查詢、偶到服務支援等)
- 負責行政支援工作、協助服務統計及文書工作等
- 支援計劃中的行政、到校協作等工作
- 每週工作44小時,五天工作 (星期六輪休)
- 工作地點 : 灣仔
有意者請於06/11/2024或之前,函附履歷電郵至[email protected],或郵寄至香港灣仔軒尼詩道288號英皇集團中心1004室。
課程及就業助理 (AA) (合約) (編號:ERBER/109424)
- 副學士或大專以上程度; 或
- 中學會考五科合格或中學文憑試五科達第2級,包括中、英文 (課程乙); 及具2年或以上相關工作經驗
- 中英語良好,能獨立工作
- 懂中、英文電腦及一般文書軟件應用
- 以人為本,對助人工作富熱誠
- 細心及具責任感,良好溝通技巧及關懷他人
- 熟悉僱員再培訓服務運作者優先
- 每周工作44小時
- 葵興區工作,有需要時可能被委派各中心工作
- 協助執行僱員再培訓服務及課程行政,解答學員查詢及協助報名
- 協助課程推廣、收生及面試;準備及整理課程物資
- 負責僱主聯繫及相關推廣工作、搜尋相關職位空缺、跟進學員就業情況及工作配對
- 須協助帶領個別課程戶外學習環節
有意者請於06/11/2024或之前,函附履歷電郵至[email protected]。
課程主任 (PO II) (合約) (編號:ERBER/109524)
- 須具副學位 / 大專程度或以上,中英文能力良好
- 中學會考五科合格或中學文憑試五科達第2級,包括中、英文 (課程乙)
- 須具三年或以上相關工作經驗,如社會工作、社福機構﹑巿場推廣、客戶服務等
- 個性主動、為人成熟,對培訓工作有承擔和熱忱,善於溝通及樂於與人接觸
- 懂得使用辦公室常用的文書軟件
- 熟悉僱員再培訓服務運作者優先
- 每週工作44小時
- 葵興區工作,及可能被委派到各中心工作
- 負責督導﹑統籌本會僱員再培訓課程及跟進學員就業服務及相關工作
- 負責收生面試及課程行政工作
- 工作地點 : 葵興區
有意者請於06/11/2024或之前,函附履歷電郵至[email protected]。
二級項目主任 (PO II) (合約) (編號:UJTSW/109624)
- 副學士/文憑學歷或以上,香港中學文憑試5科達2級程度,包括:中、英文科
- 與學校及家長聯絡,制定訓練時間表支援中心之行政工作
- 工作地點 : 天水圍
有意者請於05/11/2024或之前,函附履歷電郵至[email protected],或致電31549854。
照顧經理 (SW II) (合約) (編號:RS/109824)
- 持認可社會工作學位或以上學歷
- 中學會考/文憑試5科合格,包括中、英文(課程乙) 或等同
- 具一年或以上復康/精神健康服務工作經驗
- 良好中英文書寫能力
- 負責個案評估、輔導及小組工作,並促進醫社跨專業合作
- 需駐守普通科門診工作 (港島東/新界西)
- 工作地點 「請註明申請地點及單位」 : (日間服務) 港島東區 /新界西區 - 精神健康服務
有意者請於 13/11/2024或之前,函附履歷電郵至[email protected]或郵寄至灣仔石水渠街85號6樓,請註明職位編號、申請地點及單位。
活動經理 (SW III) (合約 ) (編號:RS/109724)
- 持認可社會工作副學士 / 文憑或以上學歷,註冊社會工作者
- 中學會考/文憑試5科合格,包括中、英文(課程乙) 或等同
- 歡迎新畢業社工申請,具精神健康服務工作經驗優先考慮
- 具社區工作及精神健康服務的熱誠、積極主動、具良好溝通能力及團隊精神
- 負責推廣精神健康計劃/服務,統籌及推行社區宣傳及教育活動
- 負責評估個案需要,提供短期個案跟進及服務轉介
- 支援本會精神健康服務發展
- 工作地點: 港島區 - 精神健康服務
有意者請於 13/11/2024或之前,函附履歷電郵至[email protected]或郵寄至灣仔堅尼地道100號13樓,請註明職位編號。
登記護士 (EN) (合約) (編號:SRH/108824)
要求 :
職責 :
- 持登記護士證書及有效執業證書
- 香港中學會考五科合格,包括中文、英文(課程乙)科
- 具安老院舍或老人科病房工作經驗優先
職責 :
- 提供健康及護理照顧,協助培訓及督導
- 工作地點: 西灣河
有意者請於13/11/2024或之前,函附履歷電郵至[email protected],或郵寄至香港筲箕灣愛東邨愛寶樓地下雅明灣畔護養院。
Project Manager (SW I) (Contract) (Ref.:RS/108724)
- Degree of above in Social Work or Art related discipline
- At least 10 years relevant post degree experience
- HKCEE/HKDSE 5 passes include Eng (B) and Chin. or above or equivalent
- Good communication skill
- Good command in Chinese and English
- Oversee an inclusive employment project
- Supervise and mobilize the team to ensure high-quality service, establish long-term sustainability, knowledge transfer and site management
- Establish connections with other organizations, artists, and industry professionals to enhance opportunities for collaboration and growth.
- Working Place: (Day Service) Wanchai - Jockey Club Artspiration Academy
Interested persons please apply with full resume to [email protected] or mail to RSAM Office, 6/F, 85 Stone Nullah Lane, Wan Chai on or before 13/11/2024. Please state the application code。
兼職銷售員 (臨時工) (編號:GLAD/108324)
- 小學或以上程度,必須使用簡單電腦系統 (處理收銀寄賣工作),經驗不拘
- 有同理心、待人熱誠、愛笑有禮、願意學習、認同環保理念/環保穿衣習慣
- 能獨立工作、勤奮具責任感、喜愛服務業工作
- 具銷售及顧客服務經驗者優先考慮
- 工作時間:每星期返二天,包括星期六,日及公眾假期(輪休),每天8或8.5小時 (上午11:30分時至下午8時15分時段, 當中有1小時午膳時間),農曆新年期間休息
- 工作地點:Green Ladies & Green Little (灣仔集成分店)
- 有薪午膳時間,另設每月滿意獎金,每月二手店購物店津貼,年度美食/旅遊獎勵,及提供其他員工福利及培訓
- 每小時底薪加佣金後時薪可達$55
- 友善共融社企工作環境,適合退而不休新中年/中年斜槓族/有志終生學習樂齡人士
- Green Ladies & Green Little 為聖雅各福群會轄下的社會企業,一直致力推動二手時裝重用文化及聘用中年婦女就業。誠邀您加入我們的行列:專責二手時裝銷售工作,協助推廣環保的社會目標
- 工作地點 : 灣仔
有意者請於30/11/2024或之前於星期一至五辦公時間內致電 39903176 與鄭小姐聯絡或電郵 (電郵地址: [email protected]), 請註明申請職位及附上履歷表。
健康活動工作員 (合約) (兼職) (編號:SSPDHC/100524)
要求 :
- 中學會考/文憑五科合格,包括︰中文及英文(課程乙)
- 良好語文及溝通能力
- 熟悉電腦文書處理
- 工作主動及有責任感
- 外展執行健康推廣活動
- 統籌、編排及協助推行活動
- 支援中心的日常運作及文書工作
- 工作地點 : 深水埗
有意者請於15/11/2024或之前,函附履歷電郵至[email protected]。
顧客關係主任(兼職) (合約) (編號:SSPDHC/108124)
- 中學會考五科合格,包括:中文及英文(課程乙)
- 持副學士或以上學歷優先考慮,有一年或以上顧客服務經
- 需熟習電腦文書處理,包括:Word , Excel, PowerPoint, Photoshop, 中英文輸入法
- 良好語文及溝通能力,備良好顧客服務技巧
- 細心、主動及具責任感
- 服務推廣、接待、解答查詢及支援中心的日常運作
- 一般文書及電腦工作
- 支援外展活動工作
- 工作地點 : 深水埗
有意者請於16/11/2024或之前,函附履歷電郵至[email protected]。
Assistant IT Manager (Contract) (Ref.:IT/107924)
- Education: Degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or a related field
- Experience: At least 3 years of experience in IT, with preference for experience in operational roles and team leadership
- Technical Expertise: Solid understanding of server administration, virtual machines, network infrastructure, and IT security protocols; Proficiency in O365, Azure, and cloud services; Hands-on experience implementing and monitoring security measures and troubleshooting complex IT issues
- Project Support: Proven experience in supporting IT projects, vendor management, and procurement
- Security Implementation: Knowledge of implementing network and data security protocols
- Team Management: Experience leading or supporting IT support teams in daily operations, including helpdesk management
- NGO Experience: Prior experience in an NGO or similar environment is beneficial
- Soft Skills: Strong self-motivation, proactive problem-solving approach, and analytical thinking
- Language Proficiency: Excellent communication skills in both written and spoken Chinese and English, with the ability to explain technical issues clearly
- Operational IT Support: Manage the day-to-day maintenance and operation of IT systems, including servers, virtual machines, and network equipment, ensuring smooth functionality
- Technical Project Assistance: Assist the IT Manager in executing system upgrades and implementations, taking responsibility for more specific tasks within broader projects
- Vendor Coordination and Support: Support vendor negotiations and procurement processes, working with the IT Manager to ensure equipment and services meet specifications
- Security Implementation and Monitoring: Implement and monitor network and data security protocols, ensuring compliance with established IT security policies
- Helpdesk Leadership and Troubleshooting: Oversee the IT support team’s daily operations, handling escalated issues and providing guidance on helpdesk and user support matters
- Collaboration and Reporting: Collaborate with the IT Manager and other departments, providing feedback on daily operations and potential areas for improvement
- Documentation and Compliance: Maintain documentation for all IT systems and processes, ensuring up-to-date records are available for team members and audits
- Working Place: 9/F, 85 Stone Nullah Lane, Wan Chai
Interested persons please apply with full resume to [email protected] on or before 04/11/2024.
IT Manager (Contract) (Ref.:IT/107824)
Job Duties:
- Education: Degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or related disciplines
- Experience: Minimum 5 years of related experience in IT infrastructure, with at least 3 years in a supervisory role managing teams and IT projects
- Technical Expertise: Strong knowledge of server administration, network infrastructure design, and troubleshooting; Solid experience in O365, Azure, and cloud services; Proven experience managing vendors, procurement, and IT budgets
- Project Management: Demonstrated experience leading large-scale IT projects, from planning to execution, ensuring alignment with organizational objectives
- Leadership Skills: Ability to lead and develop an IT support team, make strategic decisions, and collaborate with senior management
- Additional Experience: Knowledge of application development and experience with NGOs is an advantage
- Soft Skills: Self-motivated, proactive, with strong analytical and problem-solving skills
- Language Proficiency: Good command of written and spoken Chinese and English
Job Duties:
- Strategic IT Oversight: Co-operate in the strategic planning, lead the deployment, and management of the organization’s IT infrastructure, including servers, networks, and cloud systems
- Project Management: Oversee system implementation projects, ensuring coordination with key stakeholders, internal teams, and vendors to meet timelines, budgets, and deliverables
- High-Level Vendor and Budget Management: Take primary responsibility for vendor negotiations, contracts, and procurement. Manage the IT budget for infrastructure, licenses, and services etc.
- Information Security Leadership: Define and implement organization-wide IT security policies and procedures, ensuring robust protection against cybersecurity threats
- Team Leadership and Decision-Making: Lead the IT support team with a focus on decision-making, high-level problem solving, and resource allocation, providing direction to both team leaders and staff
- Collaboration and Stakeholder Engagement: Work closely with senior management to align IT infrastructure with business goals and communicate key IT developments to other departments
- Documentation and Process Optimization: Ensure that comprehensive documentation exists for all systems and processes and lead efforts to improve IT service delivery and operational efficiency.
- Working Place: 9/F, 85 Stone Nullah Lane, Wan Chai
Interested persons please apply with full resume to [email protected] on or before 04/11/2024.
Pharmacist (Contract) (Full-time) (Ref.:CPS/107724)
Job Duties:
- Holder of Pharmacist Certificate of Registration and a valid Annual Practising Certificate issued by the Pharmacy and Poisons Board of Hong Kong
- Enthusiastic passion about serving people and the advancement of pharmaceutical care to the community
- Fluent in spoken and written Chinese and English
- Proactive, self-motivated and good team-player
Job Duties:
- Manage daily operation of a community pharmacy, which includes but not limit to dispensing of prescriptions, providing counselling and medication management service to patients
- Advise and dispense appropriate over-the-counter medication for managing minor ailments
- Extend pharmacist roles in primary healthcare and conduct health promotional activities available to the public
- Maintain accurate pharmacy records, periodic reports of consumption, inventories and finances etc.
- Support team development, supervise, and provide professional training to pharmacy staff and students
- Working Place: Hong Kong Island
Interested persons please apply with full resume to [email protected] on or before 17/11/2024.
導師 (合約-兼職) (編號: CVSAS/105924)
- 中學會考/文憑試五科合格,能閱讀中英文及操流利廣東話
- 懂電腦及文書處理優先
- 具帶領小組活動及興趣班經驗優先
- 盡責、守時、有愛心及有耐性
- 須接受導師面試及筆試
- 準僱員需自願進行<性罪行定罪紀錄查核>
- 維持課室秩序良好、照顧學生及功課輔導
- 鼓勵和協助學生完成功課,並核對其功課
- 功課輔導外,按情況協助溫習默書及考試範圍
- 協助提升學生的學習動機
- 於學校假期帶領小組活動
- 星期一至五(公眾假期除外)下午1:30-6:00 / 2:45-5:45
- 每週工作5天
- 工作地點:灣仔
有意者請於15/11/2024或之前,函附履歷電郵至[email protected]。
登記護士 (EN) (合約) (編號:TLC/105124)
要求 :
職責 :
- 持登記護士證書及有效執業證書,具安老院舍或老人科病房工作經驗優先
- 需輪班,不需輪夜班
職責 :
- 負責為長者提供護理服務,協助護士主管提供培訓及督導護理員等工作
- 工作地點 : 灣仔
有意者請於06/12/2024或之前,函附履歷電郵至[email protected],或郵寄至香港灣仔堅尼地道83號,或致電28388411,或傳真28386634。
工友 (SJS-AMAH) (合約) (編號:SWSPPYL/102924)
- 小六程度
- 具良好溝通能力、誠實有禮及善於與人合作
- 富責任感、勤力及積極主動
- 負責辦公室清潔、雜務、外勤工作
- 執行上司指派的其他工作或職務
- 工作地點:元朗區
- 工作時間:視乎工作需要(可商議)
有意者請於15/11/2024或之前,函附履歷電郵至[email protected],或郵寄至新界天水圍天恒邨停車場大樓B翼5樓。
愛心捐助 謝謝你捐款支持聖雅各