U.N.O. Summer Carnival (Upcycling, Nutrition & Organic Life)
殿軍:卓潤儀《你好嗎 我很好》
冠軍:伍嘉嘉《Special Love》
我們會於下星期初透過電話/WhatsApp 聯絡得獎者,通知領獎及頒獎禮詳情。如有任何查詢,歡迎致電28313230與當值職員聯絡。
健康生活與飲食 促進孩子大腦發展與學習
賽馬會逆境同行食物援助計劃的第三場【健康講座】即將舉行,講座邀請了資深兒科醫生,王曉莉醫生及李民瞻教授與大家探討 (一)健腦秘訣之均衡飲食與運動及 (二)兒童睡眠健康及相關疾病風險,透過均衡飲食、恆常運動及充足的睡眠幫助刺激孩子的大腦發展和提升學習能力。王醫生將分享合適的飮食觀念和營養資訊,以及運動對兒童身心健康的好處,而李教授將講解兒童睡眠健康及改善睡眠質素方法。我們誠邀各位家長及公眾參加講座,在促進兒童均衡飲食及健康的發展路上加油。請參閲以下海報:
如有任何查詢,歡迎致電2596 2789或電郵至 [email protected] 與當值職員聯絡。
l抒情無界限 l思念扣心弦
或瀏覽www.facebook.com/lifeanddeath. 如欲網上報名,請按以下連結https://forms.gle/9ZZoQDJYmu1GwoKC8.
久違了的賣旗日,我們選擇在今年12月24日 – 平安夜舉行,在一個普天同慶的日子裡,一起發放正能量,讓大家一起喚醒愛.聖誕燃希望。
電郵︰[email protected]
Morgan Stanley St. James' Cup Charity Golf Tournament 2022 in association with The Clearwater Bay Golf & Country Club will be held on 4th August, 2022 (Thursday) at The Clearwater Bay Golf & Country Club. All proceeds after deducting costs will be allocated to support Grant-in-aid Brightens Children's Lives Service of COVID-19 Rehabilitation Program for the underprivileged children who recovered from COVID-19, and strengthen their physical and mental health by organizing post-pandemic learning and activities. The five junior golfers from HKGA are the co-chairs of this tournament who utilize their talents to give back to society. Check out the links below to know more about the details of the tournament and sponsorship. Call Ming at 3974 4611 or visit https://www.facebook.com/SJSCharityGolf for enquiries.
Player Registration: https://forms.gle/SPaCkFYmFtts9h9c8
Corporate and Individual Sponsorship: https://forms.gle/HaBV9HCaHbYC8vvK7
為應對第五波新冠疫情帶來的挑戰,#友邦慈善基金 捐贈一千萬港元,與香港社會服務聯會(社聯)合作推出疫情支援計劃(計劃),以支援本地有經濟困難之殘疾人士。是次計劃由社聯及香港復康聯會聯合安排,12間本地殘疾人士服務機構為計劃的協作伙伴,專責處理申請及發放現金券安排。聖雅各福群會負責處理居住於灣仔區 (金鐘、灣仔、銅鑼灣、天后及炮台山)的殘疾人士申請(會員及非會員均接受)。
更多計劃詳情,請瀏覽本會復康服務網頁 https://rs.sjs.org.hk/
查詢:2835 4337 (休閒服務)
辦公時間:星期二至五 上午9時30分至下午7時;
星期六 上午9時至下午7時 (星期一及公眾假期休息)
疫情嚴竣,一眾教職員謹守崗位,竭力照顧學童嘅學習同心靈健康,壓力十分大。 加減乘除基金、 香港輔導教師協會 及 聖雅各福群會
St. James' Settlement SJS Wellness Pro 聯手發起「小息9¾:謝謝老師行動」,夥拍多間有心機構推出全方位活動,呼籲各界為老師打打氣!
未來仲有不同打氣活動,請密切留意行動專頁 https://fb.me/e/32zfUJXm6
抗疫路上 關愛共享
Morgan Stanley St. James' Cup Charity Golf Tournament 2021 in association with The Clearwater Bay Golf & Country Club will be held on 6th August, 2021 (Friday) at The Clearwater Bay Golf & Country Club. All proceeds after deducting costs will be allocated to support Grant-in-aid Brightens Children's Lives Service to provide underprivileged children with learning resources and diverse learning experiences while helping them to cultivate a positive mindset and enhance resilience through Expressive Art Therapy program. 5 junior golfers from HKGA are the co-chairs of this tournament who utilize their talents to give back to society. Check out the links below to know more about the details of the tournament and sponsorship. Call 3974 4632 or visit https://www.facebook.com/SJSCharityGolf for enquiries.
Corporate sponsorship form
Individual donation form
疫境攜手 以愛起始
查詢: 2596-2789
網址: https://jcfoodprog.hk
查詢: 2596 2789
Morgan Stanley St. James' Cup Charity Golf Tournament in association with The Clearwater Bay Golf & Country Club , co-organized by Hong Kong Golf Association (HKGA), is originally scheduled to be held on 7th August, 2020 (Friday) at The Clearwater Bay Golf & Country Club. As COVID-19 surges, however, we regret to announce that St. James' Cup 2020 will have to be cancelled after having a discussion with the co-chairs and the honorary advisory committee in order to safeguard the health and safety of our guests, volunteers and staff. We would like to express our gratitude for all corporate and individual sponsors for your generous support all along. We look forward to another successful St. James’ Cup next year.
You may want to review the teaser ,the voice of the co-chairs and the corporate pamphlet. For further enquiries, please call 3974 4632 or visit https://www.facebook.com/SJSCharityGolf .
-大專學生(極之歡迎 Year 1 大專生)
-喺6月23號前填妥網上表格:https://bit.ly/3ewh5fA 或 scan 下圖 QR code
-I am...青年職學平台
-所有參與【DSE!考生!應援團】的申請者須完成18小時嘅 online「網上職學達人」訓練,方可正式加入【應援團】
Tracy Whatsapp 6490 8316
如果你係應屆考生,感覺前路茫茫,想搵師兄師姐指點迷津,就快啲下載 I am...青年職學平台,登入瀏覽各種實用又有趣嘅升學/就業資訊,記得上去揾網上職學達人傾吓添啊!
Manulife ‘Go Paperless’ Education Aid Program【A single action brings hope to the next generation】
Since e-learning has become widespread and important, most schools require their students to be equipped with tablet computers for classes and homework. Not all families, however, can afford this additional expense.
Thanks to the generous support of Manulife Hong Kong from now until 30 June 2020, when Manulife MPF members opt for e-Statement and e-Notice services, Manulife will donate iPads to local primary schools through St. James’ Settlement to provide under-resourced students with better e-learning opportunities. The more of Manulife MPF members who opt for e-services, the more under-resourced students who will benefit. Manulife has pledged to donate 400 iPads if the number of opt-ins reaches 15,000.
If you are a Manulife MPF member, please act now: https://bit.ly/2xaeNCs
Don’t miss this opportunity to do something for our planet and under-resourced students!
All proceeds after deducting costs will support Grant-in-aid Brightens Children’s Lives Service of St. James’ Settlement to equip disadvantaged children with diverse learning resources and experiential opportunities. Please show your love while warming the hearts of the needy.
Roses are made of natural leaves with string of lights. Attached with a ‘love’ tag, the rose was packed in a pearl white box in this season of love and romance. The roses are once again designed, sourced and produced by the St. James’ Settlement Jockey Club Endeavour Workshop + Albert Wu Rainbow Workshop. This provided employment to our members of rehabilitation services as well.
**Special arrangment for volunteers**
Hong Kong has confirmed some cases of the Wuhan coronavirus lately. In order to reduce the spread of disease in the community and protect the safety of our volunteers, volunteer service at the charity sale will be cancelled this year. We understand that parents and children would like to join the event in an alternative way. In view of this we cordially invite those who have signed up for volunteers to become our Fundraising Little Angel for participating the charity sale online. Only 5 steps would mean a lot to us!
How to become Fundraising Little Angel (with certificate of appreciation)
1. Introduce the Valentine's Rose to your friends and relatives to a group order of 5 roses or above.
2. Go to [https://event.sjs.org.hk/Rose2020] and choose 'Becoming our Fundraising Little Angel' from now to 11 Feb 2020 12 noon.
3. Pay via credit card and select the pickup location and time (see below)
4. Our staff will pass the roses to parents or guardians on 12 to 13 Feb 2020. Little Angels are welcome to distribute to friends and relatives in safe condition
5. The certificate of Fundraising Little Angel will be mailed within Feb 2020 to your designated address for appreciation.
St. James’ Settlement Valentine’s Rose costs $78 each and please feel free to contact us at +852 2831 3232 for enquiries.
In addition, the pre-cooked soft diet Graceful Meal designed by our team of chefs and dietitians for frail individuals with swallowing difficulties was awarded with Best Practice Award. In 2017, the team launched the home-made delicate soft diet – Graceful Meal to replace minced and pureed meals with a new and delicious dining experience to people with swallowing or masticating difficulties at home. They can now enjoy the meals with dignity, while their carers’ stresses are released as well.
Much appreciated for joining the race. Your valuable feedback can let us do better next year – please complete the questionnaire and your result as well as e-cert self-printing is available upon completion.
You are also welcome to check results for Individual, Youth, Team, Corporate, Family and Happy Together team challenge at the weblinks below:
Winners of Individual Challenge and Youth Challenge
Winners of Team Challenge and Corporate Challenge
Winners of Family Challenge and Happy together Team
Result of 2KM (Family Challenge Group PQR and Happy Together Group T)
Result of 8KM (Individual Challenge ABCDEFY and Team Challenge GHLMNS)
For enquiries, please contact us at 28313232 or [email protected]
See you next year!
Morgan Stanley St. James' Cup Charity Golf Tournament 2019, co-organized by Hong Kong Golf Association (HKGA) and The Clearwater Bay Golf & Country Club will be held on 6th September, 2019 (Friday) at The Clearwater Bay Golf & Country Club. All proceeds after deducting costs will be allocated to support Grant-in-aid Brightens Children's Lives Service which aims to improve the learning conditions and increase the exposure of underprivileged children through providing them with free stationery items, learning materials and course subsidy. Your enthusiastic participation and generous donation do make a difference to our children in need.
Please browse the following links for further information about the tournament. Should you have any queries, please contact Ms. Sandy Lam at 3974 4632 or visit https://www.facebook.com/SJSCharityGolf.
Player registration form
Corporate sponsorship form
Individual donation form
St. James’ Settlement GOrun Together 2019
Raising fund for the People’s Food Bank
The charity race has been organizing for the seventh consecutive years. We cordially invite you and your kids to run with passion and most importantly to show your care to the people in need. Please join hands to come to such a meaningful and healthy event!
Date: 20 Oct 2019 (Sunday)
Time: 8:30 am for 8km races; 8:45 am for 2km races
Venue: Pak Shek Kok Promenade, near Science Park
2km race: Family Group P to R (Year of Birth of child between 2007 – 2015) OR
8km race: Youth (aged 13 - 17), Individual or Team Challenge of 4 members (aged 18 or above)
Early bird Registration Deadline: 18 Aug 2019 (Sunday), by 23:59 (a HK$50 discount per participant upon completion of the payment)
Enrollment Deadline: 16 Sep 2019 (Monday)
Race website: http://event.sjs.org.hk/GOrun2019
Facebook: St. James' GOrun
Tel: 2831 3232 Email: [email protected]
時間:10:00am-11:00am / 11:30am-12:30pm / 2:00pm-3:00pm / 3:30pm-4:30pm
查詢電話:39744662 陳小姐
「我們的故事 - 陶塑記憶」獲香港特別行政區政府「藝能發展資助計劃」的資助。
豐富節目 歡度愉快周末
2019年7月14日(SUN) 10:00-17:00
活動日期:2019年5月25日 (星期六)
地點:灣仔石水渠街85號六樓 藝想
查詢:3974 4662 陳小姐
Gift from Land Gift from Earth
Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale
Agriculture . Art . Education
2019.5.9 - 2019.5.30
Organised and sponsored by: C. C. Wu Cultural & Education Foundation Fund
Co-organised by: St. James’ Settlement
Location: Our Gallery - UG 10, C C Wu Building, 302-8 Hennessy Road (MTR Wan Chai Station Exit A3; Causeway Bay Station Exit A)
Opening Hours:Tuesday - Saturday 12:30 - 19:00 (Last admission: 30 minutes before closing)
Closed : Sundays, Mondays and Public Holidays
Admission: Free admission, group visits by appointment
Enquiry:2835 4314
St. James' Creation's 17 potters, with their diligent skills, limitless creativity and unwavering commitment, have created more than 3000 ceramic pieces. They have been assembled into two participating works for the Gift from Land project in the 2018 Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale.
"We are hand in hand, embracing the lush golden harvests, feeling the heartbeat of seeds, the rice seedlings stretching towards the rotating stars as we find ourselves returning to the soil, sharing a tale of the land, chanting well wishes for the world."
How sweet the memories of us tiling the land. You could almost smell the scent of the soil as we embark on this wonderful journey into the land together.
Video: https://www.facebook.com/sjs.org.hk/videos/386987015232306/
St. James Settlement Valentine's Rose Charity Sale 2019 was completed successfully. With the generosity from benevolent donors and the support from our volunteers, partner schools, organizations and corporate partners, the net income of this event is $480,238.31. The fund raised will support deprived children and families in Sham Shui Po with one-stop service to alleviate poverty and improve their quality of life.
Download the audit report of St. James’ Settlement Valentine’s Rose Charity Sale 2019
St. James' Settlement Life & Death Carnival
Funeral Navigation Service and HKJCECC Cheering@Home End of Life Care Services of St. James’ Settlement are organizing a carnival about end of life care, including a seminar and a fair. Speakers from Caritas Medical Centre and The Chinese University of Hong Kong will discuss loneliness and the meaning of life. Besides, there are diversified and interactive activities like talks, workshops, booths and Graceful Meal tasting for participants to know more about the choices of life and death.
Date:15th December 2018 (Sat)
Time & Venue:
9:30am– 11:30am
David Li Kwok Po Community Hall, HKSKH St. James' Church, 112 Kennedy Road, Wan Chai
11:00am - 3:00pm
14/F, St. James’ Settlement Jockey Club Social Services Building, 100 Kennedy Road, Wan Chai
Sign up now!
Download the poster
Enroll online: https://goo.gl/qV35gW
To know more about our services, contact us at:
Funeral Navigation Service (2831 3230)
For more details, please click:,
St. James’ Settlement GOrun Together 2018
GOrun Together 2018 was successfully held on 4th November (Sunday). We would like to thank our Main Sponsor United Italian Corporation (H.K.) Limited and 20 other corporations, as well as all participants and friends. Your generous support will be supporting People’s Food Bank to the people in need.
Much appreciated for joining the race. Your valuable feedback can let us do better next year – please complete the questionnaire https://goo.gl/esXeaf and your result as well as e-cert self-printing is available upon completion.
You are also welcome to check results for Individual, Youth, Team, Corporate, Family and Happy Together team challenge at the weblinks below:
Winners of Individual Challenge and Youth Challenge
Winners of Team Challenge and Corporate Challenge
Winners of Family Challenge and Happy together Team
Result of 2KM (Family Challenge Group PQR and Happy Together Group T)
Result of 8KM (Individual Challenge ABCDEFY and Team Challenge GHLMNS)
For enquiries, please contact us at 28313232 or [email protected]
See you next year!
以花施愛助基層 改善生活質素
復康人士生產及運送 助其自力更生
小朋友出力為慈善 別具教育意義
聖雅各福群會情人節玫瑰花每支售價港幣98元,2月1 至14日 於鰂魚涌太古城中心2樓西橋義賣攤位(近餐廳) 及九龍塘又一城G層義賣攤位(近的士站出入口)發售。
訂購及查詢:2831 3232。
聖雅各福群會 - 雅軒
「共住共生」過渡性社會房屋是一種全新的住屋概念,我們相信共住可發揮守望相助的精神,建立互相關心的鄰舍關係,透過社工協助,共同管理空間、分享資源、建立人脈網絡,讓參加者 / 及家人能與社區一同成長,一同進步,為未來的家作好準備。
1. 申請人必須持有香港身份證;
2. 已申請公屋並已輪候三年或以上育有年幼子女的單親家庭;
3. 現居於惡劣居所如棺材房、不合比例劏房或工廈劏房等;及
4. 樂意與其他人共住,共用公用設施,並積極參與服務活動。
1. 下載表格
2. 致電 9535 0863 / 2975 8777 索取傳真表格;或
3. 親臨西安中心索取表格
填妥表格後,請傳真 / 電郵 / 郵寄 / 親自交回西安中心
傳真:2915 5215 電郵:[email protected]
查詢:9535 0863 / 2975 8777
「尊重意願 ‧ 樂於執行」生死教育教材套發佈會
計劃將於2018年9月29日(星期六)舉行「尊重意願 ‧ 樂於執行」生死教育教材套發佈會,當日將作微電影「對講機」首映、「生死教育教材套」成效及分享,並邀請香港大學行為健康教研中心名譽講師 田芳女士分享「智障人士意願選擇與執行」
日期: 2018年9月29日
地點: 香港大學黃麗松講堂
時間: 09:30 至 13:00
如對是次發佈會有任何查詢,歡迎致電 2896 3119 或電郵[email protected]與個案社工 黃姑娘聯絡。
日期: 2018年9月22日 (星期六)
時間: 10am – 2pm
地點: 灣仔石水渠街85號6樓 藝想
活動: 作品展示、集體陶藝創作、陶藝體驗、團體導賞
查詢: 2835 4314 / [email protected]
活動詳情: https://www.facebook.com/ourstoriesmemoriesinclay/
請按以下連結申請團體導賞: (報名截止日期: 20/9)
「我們的故事 – 陶塑記憶」獲香港特別行政區政府「藝能發展資助計劃」的資助。
Date: 4 Nov 2018 (Sunday), Time: 0800a.m – 11:00
Starting Time: 8:45am (8km), 9:00 am (2km)
Starting Point: Plaza in the South, Pak Shek Kok Promenade(Near Hong Kong Science Park)
Enrollment Deadline: 7th October 2018 (Sunday)
Early bird Registration Deadline: 9th September 2018 (Sunday), by 23:59 (a HK$50 discount per participant upon completion of the payment)
Race website: http://event.sjs.org.hk/GOrun2018
Facebook: St. James' GOrun
Tel: 2831 3232 Email: [email protected]
Download enrollment form
Download Poster
St. James' Cup Charity Golf Tournament 2018, co-organized by Hong Kong Golf Association (HKGA) will be held on 21st August, 2018 (Tuesday) at The Clearwater Bay Golf & Country Club. All proceeds after deducting costs will be allocated to support Grant-in-aid Brightens Children's Lives Service (GIA) which aims to improve the learning conditions and increase the exposure of underprivileged children through providing them with free stationery items, learning materials and course subsidy. Your enthusiastic participation and generous donation do make a difference to our children in need.
Please browse the following links for further information about the tournament. Should you have any queries, please contact Ms. Sandy Lam at 3974 4632 or visit https://www.facebook.com/SJSCharityGolf.
Player registration form
Corporate sponsorship form
Individual donation form
7月13日(五)下午1:00至下午5:00 及
地點:香港灣仔石水渠街85號聖雅各福群會六樓 藝想St. James’ Creation
預約團體導賞: 請按這裡
藝想 開放日2018 工作坊
緊貼Facebook公佈,獲得更多資訊: http://www.facebook.com/stjamescreation
查詢:2835 4314 , [email protected]
The audit report of St. James Settlement Valentine's Rose Charity Sale 2018 was completed and available for download at the following link.
With the generosity from benevolent donors, the net income of this event is $346,832.32, which will be used to support the service development of Settlement for children with Special Educational Needs. Thank you once again to our volunteers, partner schools, organizations and corporate partners for the kind support.
Download the audit report of St. James’ Settlement Valentine’s Rose Charity Sale 2018
- 3款賀年禮盒:
- 3款賀年麵盒:
查詢: 2116 1106
「灣仔健智支援服務中心」及「柏悦長者日間護理中心-悦智軒」於本年2月3日(星期六)上午10時-下午4時正,在灣仔堅尼地道100號 2樓 及 14樓,舉行「有營又有型計劃-社區教育活動 暨 中心開放日」,歡迎社區人士參與!
查詢請致電2596 2506,聯絡何先生/蕭先生/王姑娘
由藍帶糕餅師帶領一班復康朋友用心炮製出多款新式手工曲奇, 100%用心研製,選用優質材料,務求令大家食得開心,希望大家在送禮的同時亦能傳達一份關愛。
新年禮盒 内有六款口味:
每盒$88 歡迎訂購
聯絡方法 2117-5844 / [email protected]
請填妥以下連結, 我們收到表格後會有電郵確認,感謝!
The production of ‘Light Up our Love’ roses involves the people with disabilities served by our Rehabilitation Services. This year’s Valentine’s Rose Charity Sale will be held from 2 Feb to 14 Feb 2018 in Cityplaza and Festival Walk, and the proceeds will be supporting the service development for children with Special Educational Needs. Show your love while warming the hearts of the needy.
Act now! Place your order in advance of 20 roses or more to get the free delivery. For details, please refer to the Order Form. For enquiry and order, please contact 2831 3232 or email to [email protected].
Event Poster
Photos of Roses
St. James’ Settlement is organizing a seminar about End-of-life care on 27th January 2018 (Sat) at Ming Hua Hall (4/F of St. James’ Settlement). Speakers will be discussing the difficulties and challenges when carer taking care of the end of life patient, and how to create the joyful moment between carer and patient in the last stage. The target audience of the seminars are elderly, carer and practitioners in the social welfare.
Sign up now!
Download the poster
Download the enrolment form or
Enroll online: https://goo.gl/1TFHpy
Email to [email protected] or fax to 3104 3640
*Successful applicants will be notified by email or phone on or before 26th January 2018 (Friday)
To know more about our services, contact us at:
Funeral Navigation Service: 2831 3230
Date: 16th December, 2017
Time: 11:00 – 16:00
Venue: Green Academy (Lot 661 DD No. 109, Shui Tau Chuen, Kam Tin, Yuen Long, N.T., Hong Kong)
Enrolment: https://goo.gl/forms/kLvui6zAA03lEIm92
Enquiry: 3974 4679 or [email protected]
Deadline: 8th December, 2017
*Advance enrolment only. Tickets will not be available on 16/12/2017
^Please bring along your own tableware
Mrs. Luk has announced her intention to retire as Chief Executive Officer by the end of this year and, with great reluctance, the Executive Committee has acceded to her wishes. We will surely miss her, and I take great pleasure in thanking her for her tireless service to our community. On behalf of us all, I wish her every success, happiness and personal fulfilment in all her future endeavours.
Upon Mrs. Luk’s retirement, she will be succeeded by Ms. Josephine Lee, who has served in a wide range of roles with the Settlement since 1989. Her depth of experience and knowledge of the needs of our community are second to none, and we are delighted to be able to promote such an accomplished member of our team to become our next Chief Executive Officer.
We have achieved so much together, and I am confident that, together, we will achieve so much more.
Executive Committee
Operated by the Settlement, the Blue House Cluster won the Award of Excellence of the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation. It is the first time Hong Kong has received this award. The 'Retain House and Tenant' concept successfully conserved not only the historical buildings, but also the living culture of tenement houses, as well as demonstrating the bottom to top, community-led and group participatory heritage conservation model.
Upcycling Centre won the Gold Award of 2017 Best Practice Awards in Social Welfare organized by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service. The centre showcases the best integration of eco-friendliness and caring for the needy by means of cross-sector collaboration. The synergy of professionals from design, production, rehabilitation, social work, marketing and environment, with the use of the donated materials from corporations and the public, together with the talents of people with disabilities, shapes public’s perception towards eco-friendliness and creates diversified work opportunities and experience for persons with disabilities. This is a perfect demonstration of engaging the public to participate in bringing forth positive changes. At the prize presentation ceremony cum sharing session on 1 November 2017, representative of the upcycling team shared the centre’s mission and innovation wisdom with the audience to further promote the green concept for an integrated and sustainable community.
Various challenges including individual, youth, team, corporate, family challenge and Happy Together took place smoothly. Event snapshots are available for download at our Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/SJSGOrun, please feel free to share the happy moments with your friends!
Race results are available for download at the following links:
- Winners of Individual Challenge
- Winners of Team Challenge
- Result of 2KM (All categories)
- Result of 8KM (All categories)
E-certificates of the race are available at http://www.ibansport.com/event/HKSJS2017/ , where runners could arrange printout as necessary. Thank you once again for all the support from our individual donors and corporate partners. Hope to see you again next year at GOrun Together 2018!
For enquiries, please contact us at 28313232 or [email protected].
The awardees will receive the call concerning the arrangement of awards presentation from our staffs. Thank you.
Date: 15th October, 2017
Time: 11:00 – 16:00
Venue: Green Academy (Lot 661 DD No. 109, Shui Tau Chuen, Kam Tin, Yuen Long, N.T., Hong Kong)
Ticket fee*: $50 (children under age 12), $100 (adult)
Enrolment: https://goo.gl/forms/kLvui6zAA03lEIm92
Payment: Please make bank transfer to 002-4-216798(HSBC) and send the pay-in slip to [email protected].
Enquiry: 3974 4679 or [email protected]
Enrollment Deadline: 8th October, 2017
*Advance booking only. Tickets will not be available for sale on 15th October 2017.
^Please bring along your own tableware.
Collection period: 5th – 25th September, 2017
Collection points:
- The headquarters of St. James’ Settlement
- Sai On Centre
- Kindness Centre (Sham Shui Po)
Points to note:
- The mooncakes must have complete packaging
- The mooncakes must not past the best before date
- Snowy mooncakes are not accepted (but vouchers are acceptable)
St. James’ Settlement Flag Day 2017 was held successfully on 10th June 2017 (Sat). The financial report of this fundraising event is now available for download at the link underneath. Without the continued support of all our volunteers, partner schools, organizations and companies, we wouldn’t have achieved a net income of $1,536,349.2 this year.
In order to express our gratitude to our partner schools, we have awarded the Kindergarten and Primary School with Outstanding Participation with a trophy and book coupons.
Winner of Outstanding Participation Award (Kindergarten):
- Yuen Long Merchants Association Kindergarten
Winner of Outstanding Participation Award (Primary School):
- St. Paul's Co-educational College Primary School
Download Flag Day’s Audited Report
Details are as follows:
Date: 9th September 2017 (Saturday)
Division of Participants: Corporate
* All donation raised after deducting costs will be allocated to support hot meal services for the deprived elders and underprivileged families.
Event Details and Enrolment: http://society.sjs.org.hk/LetEatGo2017/
St. James' Cup Charity Golf Tournament 2017, co-organized by Hong Kong Golf Association (HKGA) will be held on 1st August, 2017 (Tuesday) at The Clearwater Bay Golf & Country Club. All proceeds after deducting costs will be allocated to support Grant-in-aid Brightens Children's Lives Service (GIA) which aims to improve the learning conditions and increase the exposure of underprivileged children through providing them with free stationery items, learning materials and course subsidy. Your enthusiastic participation and generous donation do make a difference to our children in need.
Please browse the following links for further information about the tournament. Should you have any queries, please contact Ms. Sandy Lam at 3974 4632.
Event Poster
Player registration form
Corporate donation form
Individual donation form
Tournament information
Our dietitian recommends eating 2 Graceful Meals per meal. 2 cartons (1 vegetable and 1 meat, 200g in total) going with a bowl of congee or pureed rice provide elders with necessary nutrition. The first 8 foods launched include:
Hotline: 2831 3237
Order via WhatsApp: 6846 2333
Order online: https://goo.gl/forms/lBIQvUoSN8qQ9MHE3
With the generosity from benevolent donors, the net income of this event is $470,706.80, which will be allocated to support social service development of the Settlement to bring hope and change to the underprivileged people. Thank you once again to our volunteers, partner schools, organizations and corporate partners for the kind support.
Download the audit report of St. James’ Settlement Valentine’s Rose Charity Sale 2017
Target : Look for volunteers who are willing to serve life-threatening elderly at home
Talents : Look for volunteers with own talents and skills includes cookery, handicrafts skills, dance performance, musical performance, spiritual sharing
Mission: Bring your own talents and skills to share with our elderly and create happy moments to their families
Date : 17 June 2017 – 29 July 2017 (6 Lesson, every Saturday )
Time : 10:00 AM – 1:00 Pm
Fee : HK $100 (refund if participant attend 5 lessons or above)
Venue : 85 Stone Nullah Lane, Wanchai Hong Kong
Capacity : 20 persons
Enrolment Method
(1) Online registration: https://goo.gl/forms/bHBP1GRdQFU7ypbE2
(2) Visit our service unit for enrollment: Cheering@Home End of Life Care Services (9:00AM-5:00PM, Mon-Fri)
Email: [email protected] / Fax: 3104 3683/ Mailing address: Rm912, 85 Stone Nullah Lane, Wanchai, Hong Kong
For enquiry, please feel free to contact Mr. Yip at 3974 4639.
Volunteer application form
Introduction of JCECC Cheering@Home End of Life Care Services
The competition will be held from 31st March 2017 to 31st May 2017. We sincerely hope that the public can gain comfort and new insight from this competition, and understand that Love never changes between them and the lost ones, and start doing our best to treasure what we have at present.
If you have any inquiries, please call 2835 4384 or 2117 5839
St. James’ Settlement Territory-wide Flag Day
St. James’ Settlement Territory-wide Flag Day will be held on 10 June 2017 (Sat). Funds raised will be supporting the operation of the Settlement to provide high quality comprehensive services for our children and youth, underprivileged people, the community, rehabilitation members and the elderly.
Note: children volunteers aged below 14 have to be accompanied by a parent/ adult.
Date: 10 June 2017 (Sat)
Time: 7:00am – 12:30pm
Locations: all over Hong Kong
Enrollment and event details: https://society.sjs.org.hk/FlagDay2017/
Enquiry: (Tel) 2831 3232 (Email) [email protected]
1) <親子遊戲集>
2) <親子創意工作坊>
3) <妙韻祝福遍灣仔>義工表演隊伍:
4) 家點創意加點Fun嘉年華
Please join our "Chinese New Year Food Drive 2017" to share the joy with the deprived family and elders during Chinese New Year! People’s Food Bank of St. James’ Settlement is holding the “Chinese New Year Food Drive 2017” from 16th January, 2017 to 28th February, 2017.The collected items will be distributed to the underprivileged families. We need your participation! You may send the items to our collection points or contact us for arranging pick-up service if the donation is more than 30 gift packs or 20 A4 boxes.
For more details, please refer to our poster. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Miss Ceci Ng or Miss Alison Ngan via 29758777.
Download Poster
Sign up now!
Download the poster
Download the enrolment form or
Enroll online: https://goo.gl/1FkwOv
Email to [email protected] or fax to 3104 3640
*Successful applicants will be notified by email or phone on or before 9 February (Thursday)
To know more about our services, contact us at:
Funeral Navigation Service: 2831 3230
HKJCECC Cheering@Home End of Life Care Services: 3974 4610
“Love is always around” rose is upcycled and made of collected leaves. It is indeed an eco-friendly and perfect gift for your beloved family and friends, co-workers and clients. Rose will be available in red and purple colour. Don’t miss out! Only available while stocks last.
“Love is always around” rose is now ready for advance order. Delivery service will be provided upon ordering 20 pcs or more. For details, please refer to the Order Form. Click here to find "the one" https://www.facebook.com/sjsrosecharity/videos/1414925651859421/ .
For enquiries, please contact 2831 3232 or email to [email protected].
Event Poster
Photos of Roses
For more details, please refer to our poster. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Miss Alison Ngan or Miss Ceci Ng at 2975 8777.
Christmas Food Drive 2016 Poster
GOrun Together 2016, organized by the Settlement, mainly sponsored by United Italian Corporation (H.K.) Limited, was successfully held on 13th November 2016. 1,047 runners enrolled in the race. This is certainly recognition of the Settlement’s work and drives our charity services further to serve more needy people in the community.
With the support from all runners and donors, various challenges including individual, youth, team, corporate, family challenge and Happy Together took place smoothly. Event snapshots are available for download at our Facebook Event Page https://www.facebook.com/SJSGOrun , please feel free to share it with your friends!
Race results are available for download at the following links:
- Winners of Individual Challenge
- Winners of Team Challenge
- Time Result of 2KM (All categories)
- Time Result of 8KM (All categories)
Official donation receipts (if applicable) will be sent out by post within a month. Race certificates will be issued upon request by email to [email protected] on or before 30th November 2016. Thank you once again for all the support from our individual donors and corporate partners. Hope to see you again next year at GOrun Together 2017!
Clinical practice for clients with emotional and personality problems have long been of concern to human service practitioners, especially for client with fluctuating moods and unstable interpersonal relationship in urging for attachment needs. Here is a series of professional training on clinical practice with borderline personality disorder clients in a holistic understanding on their attachment needs and traumas in life.
Attachment Trauma series 1: Borderline Personality Disorder. Emotional fluctuation and complicated complex in family
- Introduction on features of clients with Borderline Personality Disorder
- Analysis on their attachment needs and traumas in family
- Case discussion
Online Application:(open in Google Chrome)
Enrollment Form
Professional course
Professional Training on Advance Understanding and Psychosocial Intervention with Client with Emotional Fluctuation and Borderline Personality Disorder
(Level 3, Level 4)
Level 3 - 5/11, 12/11
Level 4 - 19/11, 26/11
Online Application:(open in Google Chrome)
Enrollment Form
Enquiry:Ms Cheung(Tel:2835 4362 / Fax:3104 3647 /E-mail:[email protected])
GOrun Together 2015, organized by the Settlement, mainly sponsored by United Italian Corporation (H.K.) Limited, was successfully held on 11th October. The enthusiasm of runners overrode the fluctuated bad weather and rain. Over 850 runners enrolled and 720 runners participated on the event day. This broke our records in previous years!
With the support from all runners and donors, various challenges including individual, youth, team, corporate, family challenge and Happy Together took place smoothly. Event snapshots are available for download at our Facebook Event Page https://www.facebook.com/SJSGOrun , please feel free to share it with your friends!
Race results are available for download through the following links:
Winners of Individual Challenge
Winners of Team Challenge
Result of Individual Challenge (All categories)
Result of Team Challenge (All categories)
St. James’ Settlement’s Rehabilitation Services have been active since 1999 in the promotion of artistic development among persons with disabilities. Nurturing and developing their artistic potentials through study courses, exhibitions and workshops, we have sown seeds of happiness among them. We have taken part in more than 100 Hong Kong and overseas exhibitions viewed by over 300,000 person-times. And since 2005 we have held close to 10,000 classes.
With the opening of St. James' Creation's new premises on the sixth floor of the St. James' Settlement Headquarters building on June 2016, we are introducing more programmes for joint participation by persons with disabilities and members of the general public to share the joy of creation.
We must express our heartfelt gratitude to the following sponsors: Dr. Samson Sun, J.P., M.B.E., for the renovation of the Textile Arts and Library; The Community Chest of Hong Kong for one set of kiln, the ventilation of the Kiln Room and air purification systems; the Queen Elizabeth Foundation for the Mentally Handicapped for two sets of kiln; and the Providence Foundation Limited for one set of kiln. The Best Workshop was donated in memory of Mr. Norman Best and Ngo Cheong Workshop in memory of Mr. Victor Lau by their beloved.
St. James' Creation Introduction
Date﹕23/10/2016 (Sun)
Time﹕09:00 – 14:30
Min. fundraising amount﹕HK800 up
Enquires﹕2835 4372
Due Date﹕2/10/2016
The People’s Food Bank of St. James’ Settlement is going to hold the Moon Cake Transfer Program from 1st August to 12th September, 2016. The purpose of the program is to collect moon cakes and share to the underprivileged families. We need your participation in order to construct a green and warm Mid-Autumn Festival. Please do not hesitate and take action now!
For more details, please refer to our poster. If you have any question, please feel free to contact Miss Alison Ngan or the duty officer at 2975 8777.
Program Poster
22 letters are included in the book, in which you can witness how people survived the loss and kept moving on. You will be amazed by how people better understand themselves through loss and how they even grow beyond the grief. You may find some of these stories familiar, as all of us must have also encountered some loss in life.
This book is not only for the ancestors, but also every one of us who is still living. We sincerely hope you can gain comfort and new insight from the book, and start doing our best to treasure what we have at present. The book is now available in bookstores all over Hong Kong, including Eslite, Joint Publishing(HK) Co. Ltd., Chung Wah Book Co. and the religious bookstore.
St. James' Cup Charity Golf Tournament 2016, co-organized by Hong Kong Golf Association (HKGA) will be held on 16th August, 2016 (Tuesday) at The Clearwater Bay Golf & Country Club. All proceeds after deducting costs will be allocated to support Grant-in-aid Brightens Children's Lives Service (GIA) which aims to improve the learning conditions and increase the exposure of underprivileged children through providing them with free stationery items, learning materials and course subsidy. Your enthusiastic participation and generous donation do make a difference to our children in need.
Please browse the following links for further information about the tournament. Should you have any queries, please contact Ms. Sandy Lam at 3974 4632.
Event Poster
Player registration form
Corporate donation form
Individual donation form
St. James’ Settlement held a Stamp Festival and oral history book launch event on 12th March, 2016. The event aimed at introducing the life of seal carving hawkers and the traditional craft development to the public, helping the public to think about Hong Kong's local culture conservation issues and raising concern on supporting the hawkers in Man Wa Lane.
Facing aging population and concerning the quality of life for life-threatening elderly, we aims to recruit volunteer with their own talents to provide befriending, emotional support and create happy moments for the elders and their families.
Target : Look for volunteers who are willing to serve life-threatening elderly at home
Talents : Look for volunteers with own talents and skills includes cookery, handicrafts skills, dance performance, musical performance, spiritual sharing
Mission: Bring your own talents and skills to share with our elderly and create happy moments to their families
Cheering Practitioner Training
Date : 2 July 2016 – 30 July 2016 (5 Lesson, every Saturday )
Time: 10:00 AM – 1:00 Pm
Fee : HK $100 (refund if participant attend 4 lessons or above)
Venue : 85 Stone Nullah Lane, Wanchai Hong Kong
Capacity : 20 persons
Enrolment Method
Please complete the volunteer application form and email / fax / mail to us. We inform you by email, phone or fax of the arrangement of the training.
(Email: [email protected] / Fax: 3104 3683/ Mailing address: Rm912, 85 Stone Nullah Lane, Wanchai, Hong Kong)
For enquiry, please feel free to contact Mr. Yip at 3974 4640.
Volunteer application form
Introduction of The Jockey Club End- of-Life Community Care Project
Charity Raffle Ticket 2016
For enquiry and order, feel free to contact Ms. Kylie Ng at 2835 4372 or Email at [email protected].
1.Order / Selling Charity Raffle Ticket Form
With the continuous support from Hong Kong Kin-Ball Association, St. James’ Cup Kin-Ball Charity Tournament 2016 will be launched in April and May after its successful debut last year. All proceeds after expenses will go to Grant-in-aid Brightens Children’s Lives Service to improve the learning conditions and quality of underprivileged students in Hong Kong by providing them with learning resources and interest class course subsidy.
Kin-Ball is a fairly new sport to Hong Kong which requires physical fitness, communication and cooperation among the team, and is a great tool for increasing the team’s collaboration and cohesion. We welcome public and corporate teams to take part in this meaningful event. Your generous support and donation can benefit more people in need.
Limited quotas are allocated on first come first served basis, please download the registration form to sign up. Should you have any queries, feel free to contact Mr. Yeung at 3974 4627.
With the generosity from benevolent donors, the net income of this event is $351,432.83, which will be allocated to support various charity projects of the Settlement to bring hope and change to the underprivileged people. Thank you once again to our volunteers, partner schools, organizations and corporate partners.
Download the audit report of St. James’ Settlement Valentine’s Rose Charity Sale 2016
Thank you for your unfailing support to St. James’ Settlement Valentine’s Rose Charity Sale over the past 12 years. Our thirteenth rose, “Loving in the Rain”, ingeniously symbolized an unbreakable relationship between couples after overcoming different challenges and difficulties in lives.“Loving in the Rain”, produced jointly by members of Rehabilitation Services, will be sold from 5 Feb to 14 Feb 2016 in more than 20 shopping malls and MTR stations all over Hong Kong. We are now asking for your generous support. As through your purchase, underprivileged groups will be benefited. All proceeds will be used to support the Settlement’s service development.
“Loving in the Rain” rose is upcycled and made of collected leaves. With the unique design of the umbrella-shaped packaging, it is indeed an eco-friendly and perfect gift for your beloved family and friends, co-workers and clients. Rose will be available in red and pink colour. Don’t miss out! Only available while stocks last.
“Loving in the Rain” is now ready for pre-order. Delivery service will be provided upon ordering 20 pcs or more. For details, please refer to the Order Form
For enquiries, please contact 28313232 or email to [email protected]
Event PosterEvent Products
Event Venue and schedule
Brief Information:
Ogling the world-famous vista of city view of Hong Kong from and doing charity at the same time to raise funds for various charity projects. The charity walk starts at Harlech Road, then to Lugard Road and will end in The Peak Galleria. The 3km peak circle walk is very family friendly.
Date: 17th Jan 2016 (Sunday)
Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Gathering Point: The Peak Galleria
Harlech Road > Lugard Road
Brief Information:
Ogling the world-famous vista of city view of Hong Kong from and doing charity at the same time to raise funds for various charity projects. The charity walk starts at Harlech Road, then to Lugard Road and will end in The Peak Galleria. The 3km peak circle walk is very family friendly.
Playing Dart Games
Brief Information:
Dart games are not limited to young persons while even elderly in frail health condition can also enjoy playing dart games. It does not require strong body movement, elderly can easily learn and enjoy it with fun and play together with friends to enlarge their life circle. Also, playing darts can train up elderly with their eye-hand coordination, focus and thinking skills. It is suitable for any age range.
Date: 10/2013-Present
Guest speaker Professor Yip Kam Shing from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Brief Information:
Report on qualitative research on youth self-harm behavior and mental health problem
Analysis of relationship between self-harm behavior and developmental trauma
Introduction on SUN teens youth mental health service
Date: 10/12/2015
St. James’ Settlement Flag Day 2015 was carried out successfully on 27th June 2015. The financial report of this fundraising event is now available for download from the link underneath. It is with the continuous support of all our volunteers, partner schools, organizations and companies that we achieve a net income of $2,223,950.23 this year.
In order to express our gratitude to our partner schools, we have specially set awards of ‘Most Outstanding Participation’ for the ‘Secondary School group’ and ‘Kindergarten and Primary School group’. Award winners will each receive a trophy and a set of book coupons.
The award for ‘Secondary School group’ - winning partner schools are as follow:
Champion:Shau Kei Wan East Government Secondary School
First runner-up:Immaculate Heart of Mary College
Second runner-up: St. Paul's Co-educational College
The award for ‘Kindergarten and Primary School group’ - winning partner schools are as follow:
Champion:St. Paul's Church Kindergarten (North Point)
First runner-up:St. Paul's Co-educational College Primary School
Second runner-up: S.K.H. St. James' Primary School
Download Flag Day’s Audited Report
Brief Information:
Through emotion focused approach, parents can learn how to handle their stress, improve communication and relationship with their children.
Date: 13/11;20/11;27/11;4/12;13/12/2015
Brief Information:
The first Charity Kin-Ball Tournament in Hong Kong to raise fund for “Grant-in-aid” Brightens Children’s Lives Charity Project. The giant Kin-Ball with diameter 1.5m, played among three teams of four. The format of the game is similar to the “Numbering Ball” game, since it emphasizes on team co-operation and requires the hard work of all team members, it’s considered to be a “Fair Sport”.
Event Date:
Preliminary Tournament:26 & 30 October, 2015
Semi-final & Final:15 November, 2015
Brief Information:
Lion, Mouse, fis..sh, Sahara Desert
Star fish, Butterfly, Polar Bear, Uhh..h!!
Owl, Ranch, Piglet
Guest what? What’s coming up!!Let the members of St. James’Creation take you to experience a brand new adventures.
Date: 10/11 - 12/12/2015
Brief Information:
variety of goods and households products will be avilable for sale. All proceeds will be used to support our charity services. Please come to support us!
Event Date: 6-7 November, 2015 ( Friday & Saturday)
Time: 11am - 5pm
Venue: 4/F, 85 Stone Nullah Lane, Wanchai
Brief Information:
variety of goods and households products will be avilable for sale. All proceeds will be used to support our charity services. Please come to support us!
Event Date: 6-7 November, 2015 ( Friday & Saturday)
Time: 11am - 5pm
Venue: 4/F, 85 Stone Nullah Lane, Wanchai
Brief Information:
The first Charity Kin-Ball Tournament in Hong Kong to raise fund for “Grant-in-aid” Brightens Children’s Lives Charity Project. The giant Kin-Ball with diameter 1.5m, played among three teams of four. The format of the game is similar to the “Numbering Ball” game, since it emphasizes on team co-operation and requires the hard work of all team members, it’s considered to be a “Fair Sport”.
Event Date:
Preliminary Tournament:26 & 30 October, 2015
Semi-final & Final:15 November, 2015
Brief Information:
A special charity walk aims to raise fund for people with dementia, funding raised will be used to support deprived dementia patients to receive professional service from our two Kin Chi Dementia Care Support Service Centres. Simple route suits people from all ages.
St. James' Settlement Children and Parents Support Centre (Hung Shui Kiu) held a programme called 'Waterwalk In Summer Time' on Saturday & Sunday (18-19 July, 25-26 July, 1-2 August, 8-9 August, 15-16 August, 22-23 August, 29-30 August) this year. The financial report of this fundraising event is now available for download from the link underneath. The net income of this programme is $32,296.
Download Waterwalk In Summer Time Audited Report
Care for Dementia . Kick Off Brain Training Programs
Brief Information:
We have been striving to promote the importance to maintain the cognitive and health condition of the elderly. In middle of July, we launched the "Fit Brainteaser for the Aged" programme. During the kick off program, we introduced various brain games and training programs for the elderly to enhance their brain health and keep it in good condition. We believed that elderly who keep regular brain exercises and trainings will be empowered with live skills and techniques to enhance their self-confidence and self-esteem.
Date: 14/7/2015
Our dietitians attended the “12th Asian Congress of Nutrition (ACN2015)”, which was held on May 14 (Thu) - 18 (Mon), 2015 at Pacifico Yokohama, Japan, to share the encouraging results of our “Happy Meal Project” in enhancing the quality of life of dysphagic elders. It was a great experience to exchange ideas with scholars working on elderly health and dyphagia. The trip was fruitful and we participated in an Educational tour to visit the meal service of a nursing home there.
治療式綜合運動訓練 - 治療師及體適能教練互相配合,為患者設計一個針對性及全面的復康治療訓練,預防復發。
Brief Information:
Sedentary life style and poor posture are one of the leading factors of pain and related disease. These problems would affect daily activities and quality of life. JCR3 provides all-rounded service to users. Our centre adopts a new mode of treatment and rehabilitation. A collaboration of professional physiotherapists and personal fitness trainers, the professions design an individualized rehabilitation and physical training program for users, so as to avoid recurrent of symptoms and promote active lifestyle.
Date: 05/2015
To promote an inclusive society in harmony through arts public education workshop
Brief Information:
To provide interactive arts public education activities to enhance public’s understanding on the art talents of people with disabilities
To promote an inclusive society in harmony
Date: 10/2014-9/2016
Graduation student works as art assistant in helping members during the classes.
Brief Information:
To provide arts and continued education opportunities for people with disabilities;
To assist people with disabilities to develop lifelong interests in arts and cultural development;
To enhance the self-reliance and work opportunities for persons with disabilities so as to help them re-integrating into the community.
Date: 10/2013-Present