St Jame's Settlement

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Award & Accreditation

Award & Accreditation
Name of Award Awarded / Accredited by Recipient Year
2023 Best Practice Awards in Social Welfare - Annual Thematic Award The Hong Kong Council of Social Service 2023
2023 Best Practice Awards in Social Welfare - Outstanding Performance Indicators Award (Collaboration & Synergy) Award The Hong Kong Council of Social Service 2023
2023 Best Practice Awards in Social Welfare - Best Practice Award The Hong Kong Council of Social Service 2023
2021 Best Practice Awards in Social Welfare - Best Practice Award The Hong Kong Council of Social Service I am......Youth Portal 2021
2021 Hong Kong ICT Awards - Smart People (Smart Inclusion) Award - Silver Award The Hong Kong Council of Social Service 2021
2020 Hong Kong ICT Awards - Smart People (Smart Education and Learning) Award - Bronze Award The Hong Kong Council of Social Service I am......Youth Portal 2020
2020 Hong Kong ICT Awards - Smart People (Smart Inclusion) Award - Silver Award The Hong Kong Council of Social Service FOOD-CO 2020
2019 Best Practice Awards in Social Welfare - Gold Award The Hong Kong Council of Social Service FOOD-CO 2019
2019 Best Practice Awards in Social Welfare - Best Practice Award The Hong Kong Council of Social Service Graceful Meal  2019
Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation (2017) - Award of Excellence United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Viva Blue House Project 2017
2017 Service & Courtesy Award - Bronze Award The Hong Kong Retail Management Association Green Ladies and Green Little 2017
2017 Best Practice Awards in Social Welfare - Gold Award The Hong Kong Council of Social Service Jockey Club Upcycling Centre 2017
The Social Enterprise Award Scheme 2017 - Outstanding Social Enterprise Award (First Runner-up) Home Affairs Bureau GroundWorks 2017
Award Scheme in Promoting Women's Economic Empowerment - Outstanding Project Award Women's Commission & Labour and Welfare Bureau  Green Ladies and Green Little 2017
Award Scheme in Promoting Women's Economic Empowerment - Certificate of Commendation Women's Commission & Labour and Welfare Bureau  Kowloon Kindness Centre 2017
Partner Employer Award The Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business Scenic Resort (Nursing Home) 2016/17
18 Districts Caring Employers Award Disabilities and The Hong Kong Council of Social Service St. James' Settlement 2016
Excellence in Collaboration Award and Excellence in Participation Award Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged, Social Welfare Department  St. James' Settlement 2016
Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme 2016 Gold Award (Website Stream) The Office of the Government Chief Information Officer and the Equal Opportunities Commission St. James' Settlement 2016
Family-Friendly Employers Award Scheme Family Council St. James' Settlement 2015/16
18 Districts Caring Employers Award Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities and The Hong Kong Council of Social Service St. James' Settlement 2015
3rd runner-up - 26th  Social Workers’ Basketball Tournament - St. James' Settlement 2015
2015 Best Practice Awards in Social Welfare The Hong Kong Council of Social Services "Help to Build, Build to Help" and "CADENZA Community Project:Jockey Club Charles Kao Brain Health Services" 2015
A Society for All Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities and The Hong Kong Council of Social Service St. James' Settlement 2014
National Hospice Service Program Li Ka Shing Foundation St. James' Settlement 2014
Highest Service Hour Award in 2013 Social Welfare Department St. James' Settlement 2013/14
Merit Award for Instructors Family Council St. James' Settlement 2013/14
Merit Award for Trainees Family Council St. James' Settlement 2011
Outstanding Award for Employers Family Council St. James' Settlement 2013/14
Outstanding Award for Instructors Family Council St. James' Settlement 2013/14
Outstanding Award for Course Development Family Council St. James' Settlement 2013/14
Family-Friendly Employers Awards (GroundWorks & People’s Food Bank) Family Council St. James' Settlement 2013/14
Award for Innovation Family Council St. James' Settlement 2013/14
Family-Friendly Employers Award Scheme Family Council St. James' Settlement 2013/14
協同效益獎 (奬狀) The Hong Kong Council of Social Service “Grant-in-aid” Brightens Children’s Lives Charity Project 2013
協同效應奬 (水晶座) The Hong Kong Council of Social Service “Grant-in-aid” Brightens Children’s Lives Charity Project 2013
Our Community Nutrition Services and Education Centre, partnering with HKU SPACE, started a course — Postgraduate Certificate in Community Nutrition - St. James' Settlement 2013
Outstanding Award for Instructors - St. James' Settlement 2012/13
青年社企創業者大賞2012 JCI Ocean and Hong Kong Social Enterpreneurship Forum Green Ladies 2012
Outstanding Award for Course Development - St. James' Settlement 2011/12
Uncle James Child Development Centre (Central) won awards of the District Collaboration Project and Best Practice from the SWD - St. James' Settlement 2011/12
Philanthropic Community Pharmacy was awarded the ‘2011 Best Practice Awards in Social Welfare’ organized by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service - St. James' Settlement 2011
Community Centre won the Silver Award and the Hong Kong Best Award in the Hong Kong Designers Association Global Design Award 2011 SPATIAL category - St. James' Settlement 2011
Community Centre won the Excellent Certification in the Asia Pacific Interior Design Award - St. James' Settlement 2010
Continued Education Centre was awarded ISO9001 International Quality Management Certificate from the world’s largest certification and verification body SGS and was the first centre awarded GTP10015 (Good Training Practice:10015) in Hong Kong - St. James' Settlement 2010
The Artspiration was approved by the Education Bureau to launch New Senior Secondary Adapted Applied Learning Courses for students with Intellectual Disabilities Education Bureau Artspiration 2010
Guinness World Record - Largest Food Mosaic 20.7m X 30.9m Guinness World Records Ltd. People's Food Bank 2009
THe Hong Kong Institute of Architects Annual Awards 2008: Special Architectural Award - Alternation & Addition Works The Hong Kong Institute of Architects SkyHigh Creative Partners 2008
Award of Directors of The Year Awards 2002 The Hong Kong Institute of Directors Executive Committee of St. James' Settlement 2002