St Jame's Settlement

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Venue Booking

Venue Booking

St.James’ Settlement Multi-purpose Indoor Basketball Court

Name of Organizations/Personal
Name of Organizations/Personal
E-mail Address
Contact Person
Contact No
Nature of Organization
Nature of Organization
*St.James’s Church members should be identified through the application of St.James’s Church, Applied members should be present.
Church member name
Contact No
Event Information: (Please select as appropriate)
Type of Event
Type of Event
Title of Event
Estimated No. of Participants:
Date (Second Choice)
14/F Basketball Court
14/F Basketball Court
Requested Equipment
Long bench

A. Rules

  1. The hirer should apply under group application, St.James’s Church members must apply for members identification before submit the application under personal usage.
  2. No unlawful assembly
  3. The approved application is not transferable and applicants should produce application form / valid receipt for verification.
  4. All users must wear non-marking sports shoes and appropriate sportswear.
  5. Changing clothes should be due in changing room if needed.
  6. No dangerous behaviours are allowed. If users get hurt due to dangerous self- behaviours, our centre will not responsible for any accident.
  7. No Smoking, drinking, eating, spitting and littering.
  8. No foul or vulgar language.
  9. No pet is allowed.
  10. Do not use flammable article& pollutant (e.g. lacquer & salvo) &do not step on the wall.
  11. Chewing gum, alcoholic beverages and illegal medicines are not allowed.
  12. Users are solely responsible of taking care own personal belongings at Centre and the Centre will not accept responsibility for any loss of personal properties.
  13. Please keep the court clean and tidy up your belongings before leave.
  14. The applicant shall be liable to pay for any damage of any equipment or burglary.
  15. Our centre reserves the right to revise ,vary, delete or modify stated above any of the information, terms and conditions without any prior notification.
  16. If violation of the rules, our centre holds the rights to reject any person from attending the activity and the paid fees will not be refunded.


  1. Applicants could contact us at 25962773(Ms. Tang) to make booking or enquiry.
    Venue: 14/F Indoor Basketball court, 112 Kennedy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
  2. Applicants should email or fax the completed form to us within 7days after reservation. Fax:25758347, Email: [email protected]
  3. After confirmation of booking, applicants should pay all fee within 14 days before rental day. If applicants could not pay on time, our centre will hold the booking and reserve the right to rent to other parties in need or who pay immediately.
  4. We will use email to confirm your application form submission or payment.
  5. Fees paid are NOT refundable and no change the date is allowed.
  6. If there is media shooting, please call us for additional fee enquiry.
  7. When Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 1, No. 3 or Rainstorm Warning Signal AMBER, RED is hoisted, our centre will operate as usual.
    When Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above or Rainstorm Warning Signal BLACK is hoister, our centre will be closed. 2 hours after all the warning signals of the above is cancelled, our centre will be re-opened.
  8. Our centre will reserve cancellation due to adverse weather. All rental fees will be railed for half year.

C.Payment Method

  1. Please come to our centre (Address:11/F SJS fitness centre ,85 Stone Nullah Lane, Wan Chai, HK)to pay in person, we accept EPS, Cash, Cheque, Visa/Master card or bank transferal.( HSBC:111-2877-69-001; The Bank of East Asia:514-40-22882-6 ) Postdated Cheque will not be accepted.
  2. If you choose to pay visa bank transferal, please post us the bank-in slip(11/F SJS fitness centre,85 Stone Nullah Lane, Wan Chai, HK) or fax to us at 25758347,Please mark “Multi-purpose Indoor Basketball Court application fee” on the slip.
  3. If you choose to post cheque to us, please mark the applicants’ name /group and rental date at the back of the crossed cheque. The recipient name of the cheque is:「聖雅各福群會」或「St. James’ Settlement」