St Jame's Settlement

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Environmental Protection

Jockey Club Upcycling Centre

Upcycling Center Grand Opening  Ceremony
organizing upcycling workshops
Contact Information
Tel: 25962756
Service Objective

The Centre aims at promoting environmental protection and eco-lifestyle by creating upcycling products through encouraging corporations and organizations to donate used or leftover materials. Local designers are invited to make use of those “waste” for new product design and getting people with disabilities to involve in producing upcycled products. The Centre also arouses public awareness of green living through upcycling workshops, exhibitions and other events and activities.

Service Target

Corporations, organizations, local designers, people with disabilities and the general public.

Service Content
  1. Collect waste from corporations and organizations.
  2. Provide a place for the general public to exchange upcycling product ideas and test product prototypes.
  3. Create job opportunities for people with disabilities to involve in producing upcycling products.
  4. Display and sell upcycling products.
  5. Organize upcycling workshops, exhibitions and other events and activities for the public.